Action and Adaptability Create Safety

The actions we take today and our ability to be flexible enough to succeed will help to ensure that COVID-19 eventually becomes a historical footnote that those of us in the safety realm have helped our organization, employees and loved ones to overcome.

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Engaged Safety

engaged safety

The end result of this kind of culture is, oddly enough, compliance. You have to actually create a space where a compliant culture can exist rather than just telling employees compliance is something they need to do. To create a culture of safety, we have to do what actually works — not just what we believe should work.

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Avoiding “Safety Theater”

Sure, showing the world you are all about safety can help reduce the impact of lawsuits and make younger job seekers more interested. (Research shows that safety concerns are the top reason people under 30 years old don’t want industrial jobs.) But projecting your reputation for safety consciousness does not actually help enough to make the big difference you are looking for. Below are three things we know create a sustainable culture of safety, without the theatrics.

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